


How to reach your destination

Want to visit Bologna but don’t know how to get there? Our map gives you all the information you need to reach the city in an easy and convenient way. 

 From Milan to Florence, via Venice and Rome, our map shows you the main Italian cities from which you can travel to Bologna. 

 We also show you the available means of transport, such as trains, buses and planes, and give you all the information on travel times. 

 Don’t miss the opportunity to visit one of Italy’s most beautiful and fascinating cities. Follow our map and arrive in Bologna stress-free and hassle-free!

Getting to our Palazzi

Welcome to Bologna, a city rich in history, culture and architectural beauty. We are pleased to share with you the map indicating the location of our three prestigious palazzi located in the heart of this fascinating city. 

 By following the directions on the map, you will have the opportunity to discover and visit these extraordinary buildings, each with its own uniqueness and historical importance.

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